Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 5 - Progress?

Doesn't look like progress, but I can tell his demeanor is better this evening. Following me around; sitting beside me. He moved a 12lb weight to break out of his caged off area this morning. He is a determined little fellow.
He's still very raw and sore, obviously, but he's a  trooper.
As soon as I take off the cone for a brief reprieve and pee outing, he's much more chipper, but also ready to scratch the crap out of his yeasty head, so I have to watch him.
I'm guessing the healing will go first in-first out, so I expect the feet to clear up last. They are the worst, too. His back will probably start to heal up first. I might try a wash with cool water and aloe shampoo tomorrow, or Friday.  

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